Qissba Technology a leading Digital Agency to help Start Ups, Small Business and a wide range of other businesses.
Started creating a website www.qissba.com for providing free education to CBSE student and looked back for support by anyone to grow this website , but didn;t find anyone who was interested in this type of project and continued to work alone using all resources that was availiable at own.
finallly launched the website www.qissba.com and started working on education using my teaching skills as i had worked as teacher for Computer Science for classes 11th and 12th. Start covering CBSE syllabus for class 12th COMPUTER SCIENCE. Eventually student liked our articles and the website got 500 visiter in a day. This really boost my morale to work contineously for education.
After observing for more than 10 year of my career, I found that young students are only the user of digital technology but they don’t know how to use these digital skills and online platforms for their earnings as a career option and they can make money online using internet. So, we started our internship program for young graduates to make them ENTREPRENEUERS.
Today, we have more than 100 young graduates as our Intern/ trainee who are working with us for our valuable clients. We are shaping their digital skills in different fields and technologies like Web Designing, Digital Marketing, Graphics Designing, Modern Education, Content writing, Search Engine Optimization, Data Management, Online social profile Management, Affiliate Marketing We have 100+ trainee / Interns who have multiple digital skills with a lot of knowledge of different subjects. All together we have 100+ social media accounts on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest, YouTube and many more. Today our organization have a huge online network to support our clients for Brand awareness and spreading their product or services to people in a minute.
Today, In August 2022 we are working as a registered company [Qissba Foundation] working for education and training and running successful ENTREPRENEUER Program for young fresh graduates. Hundreds of young graduates are working with us from different fields and subject knowledge. Today, we are working with a dream to make each and every young graduate an entrepreneur.
We are also getting clients who are looking for digital services to grow their businesses online or want to take their businesses online. Today, we have clients for our services like digital marketing, Website development search engine optimization, graphics designing and many more.